Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dream Mender by Sherryl Woods

Frank Chambers has been burned in a fire. Frank is a woodcarver and it's his hands that have been injured. He does not want to be in the hospital and he does not want therapy. Jennifer Michaels is a therapist assigned to work with Frank. She bullies him and cajoles him into accepting the therapy and helps him regain use of his hands. During his therapy he learns that the reason Jennifer is so compassionate to her patients is that she has scars too. Now he has to figure a way to make Jenny understand that it's not transference that he feels but love and that he can accept her the way she is.

Good story of healing of both Frank and Jenny. Jenny is accepted into his family after having to go through breast cancer surgery by herself. She does not find it easy to trust that Frank will stick with her and not feel revulsion from her scar. Frank needs Jenny to keep pushing him to realize that he will heal and be able to lead a normal life doing what he loves. This book is very touching and will definitely move who ever reads it.

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