Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Once ask me anything not Love by Mian Moshin Zia

Why would an author not want to write about love? Well, in this case because he had never experienced the feeling first hand. Morkel decides after writing his last book to go to Kiev and it's there he meets Maya. After meeting her a book takes form in his mind. This was an interesting read. I really enjoyed the descriptions of Kiev, someplace that I know I will never visit. Seeing through Morkel's eyes the first stirrings of love is unique. Filled with new emotions and some dishonesty, Morkel finally tells Maya the truth as he is leaving. Then comes heartbreak and dealing with everything that went on between them. Enjoyed the minor characters and reading their advice. This book shows that not every love story has to have a traditional happy ending. There are different endings for everyone.

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